Five people of charge man toward the investigation of falling objects from space. Mermaid is attacked by mahmeh, deven, and jahar mahmatian three military gods, and mermaid is four people. It is a mermaid to return to the base, but the communication device is broken by the attack of the monster power. It is attacked and attacked by the jaundice of the hair of the white wave Asuka that escapes from the devastating attack of Devon, and disappears make-up and aims at the base. The leader of the three army God is risen from Asuka who escaped from jajar while becoming a full wound. In the ghazen and the combined Devon and jajer, while the three wounded absolutely inadvertently fight, Asuka would not give up victory and force force and defeat the three military gods. But before the mermaid whose power was cut off, mahmam appeared and attacked with overwhelming power. Bad end